Tag: research

Can Aspirin treat breast cancer?

I haven’t tried Flipboard in a while and I’ve stumbled on this interesting article : Can Aspirin treat breast cancer? Why aren’t we trying to find out? : http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/can-aspirin-treat-breast-cancer-why-aren-t-we-trying-to-find-out-1.2714640 I really think that government should step up in medical research, if it’s only left in the hands of privates enterprises I think only short term…

Could Mapping the Human Brain Lead to Anything Good?

I’m sure it is going to be used for good and BAD! wouldn’t be great if google already search result for stuff that haven’t emerged from your subconscious yet? Or arrest “Criminal” because they where thinking “Bad” stuff? http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/could-mapping-the-human-brain-lead-to-anything-good


I meant to share theses articles a while ago, but life being what it is I’m going to bundle in a single post. I believe that being in space is important, some will say it divert energy and resources that could be used for more important things, like what? War? What is spent on war…